On the genealogical side .... 1. We know, through careful research by Marvin Pierce Tatum, that
our lineage goes back to Hamlin (or Hamling) Tatum, born September 8, 1816 in
Putnam County, GA and his wife Martha Ann Densler, born September 1816 in
Baldwin County, GA. 2. In searching for family trees with coincident ancestors, we believe our lineage goes back to William Tatum and Ellen Kirk. Both were born in London, England in the late 1500's. 3. We continue to search our Tatum lineage. To visit our William Alvin (Billy) Tatum page, click here! To visit our Walter McAdory Tatum page, click here! To view a handful of our favorite Tatum family photos, see the table below. Click to see enlarged views. To see an online album that contains the foregoing photos plus others: Click here We wish to install additional photos illustrating Tatum family history. If you have any, contact the site proprietor, below.