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Under Construction:

We continue to search our Watson lineage. 

To view a handful of our favorite "Watson" photos, click individually on the 6 "Thumbnail" images below.

CC 046.jpg (6375 bytes) CC 001.jpg (35458 bytes) CC 002.jpg (65971 bytes)
CC 003.jpg (60820 bytes) CC 015.jpg (57083 bytes) CC 018.JPG (495990 bytes)

***  To visit an online collection of semi-oldish Watson photos, accumulated by Erma Louise "Cookie" Watson Varner, click ....

Cookie's Watson Collection.

We plan to add captions to the online album in the next few days.

***  To visit a small online album of fairly recent photos of the late, and dearly missed Norman Castellaw, click ...

Norman Castellaw

***  To visit a small online album of photos from the recent Watson pre-Christmas lunch at Jackie's house in Aiken, click ...

Jackie's 2003 pre-Christmas lunch, Aiken, SC

We wish to uncover and feature additional photos of our Watson line.  Please contact "CV" if you have some, at the coordinates below:



To contact this site's Proprietor:

Charles Varner  -  663 William Hilton Parkway  -  Unit 1107  -  Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

Phone: (843) 785-9680   
