Pine Gardens Neighborhood History

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Please read the text below, and click, to the right, to view the reference materials:

Prior to 1942, the area in east Savannah was undeveloped; that is to say, there were no houses, churches, or schools, and no small businesses.

The initiative to create Pine Gardens began in May 1941, when Savannah Shipyards, Inc. (SSI)  purchased most of the land  for the purpose of housing for its employees. 


Click here to see the May 7, 1941 "Savannah Morning News" item on this.
In the next few months, SSI facilitated the creation of a private group, Pine Gardens, Inc. (PGI)   In August 1942, a judge in Savannah's Superior Court granted the charter requested by PGI, making it an officially-recognized entity. Click here to see the August 11, 1942 "Savannah Morning News" item on this.
A few weeks later, the Chatham County Commission approved the subdivision.  The news article noted that no home would cost less than $ 3,500. Click here to see the August 29, 1942 "Savannah Morning News" item on this.
A few weeks later, Pine Gardens, Inc. purchased the land, presumably from Southeastern Shipyards, Inc., upon which the homes would be constructed.  Te news article stated that construction of the initial 100 homes would begin immediately.  It further noted that a total of 400 homes would be built. Click here to see the September 20, 1942 "Savannah Morning News" item on this.
Construction of the earlier Pine Gardens homes began shortly thereafter.  Initial  construction concentrated in the 2100 blocks of Liberty, Greenwood and Forest Streets.

Pine Gardens, Inc. maintained an office in Pine Gardens beginning in 1942, and continuing until approximately 1950.  During nearly all of those years, the Savannah telephone directory placed the office at 2004 Greenwood Street, and with a telephone number of: 2-9603.  In the 1951 phone book, there is no listing.  We believe this means all of the lots had been sold, thus no further need for an office.

Eli Whitney Elementary School was built to serve the growing populations of Pine Gardens and other nearby neighborhoods.   It opened for business in September 1953, and served children until June 2003.  Though the building ceased to be a school for children, it remains the "Eli Whitney Administrative Complex" and serves other purposes for the Chatham County Board of Education.  

A vibrant alumni association exists for former students, faculty and staff of Eli Whitney school.  An excellent reunion was held on May 24, 2003 to celebrate the completion of 50 excellent school years.

Click here for a link to the Eli Whitney Elementary School Alumni Association.
Riverside Baptist Church, which is in Pine Gardens near Eli Whitney School, was established to serve the growing populations of Pine Gardens and neighboring communities.  Established on September 14, 1953, it serves a strong congregation today.  A 50th Anniversary was celebrated in 2003.  
Pine Gardens NEWS!  Thanks in part, we think, to this initiative to add Pine Gardens to the National Register of Historic Districts, Savannah's "Savannah College of Arts and Design"  has added Pine Gardens to one of its regular tours of important Savannah areas.  Click to the right for details >>> Savannah's "SCAD" Savannah tours, including the Pine Gardens Neighborhood.


Page last updated:  12/01/2012 11:58 AM


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