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This page contains a few thumbnail photos, plus links to several online family related photo albums.

We invite all visiting family members to lend us some of their favorite family photos, so that we can post them on this site.  CV especially invites photos from his children, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins!  (See Charles Varner's coordinates below, and at the bottom of other pages on this web site.)

Just below, see two favorite photos from our online photo album containing photos from the 1890s into the 1950s of interest to the Tatum, Zuber and Varner clans.

(Hint: Click the photos to see enlarged view.)

CV_NV_MamaGmGranny.jpg (191600 bytes) CNL_old_man_Aub_grad_costume.jpg (61578 bytes)

Four generations.  Auburn, AL: The ladies, l-r, are Susan Ophelia Martin Zuber, Ruth Zuber Tatum, and Cora Sue Tatum Varner.  The goobers are, t-b, Charles Edward Varner & Ned Varner, Jr.  (ca. early 1946)

Ned Varner, on the occasion of his graduation from Auburn University (aka “API”) in June 1949, poses with his three sons:  Ned Varner, Jr., Lee Hodges Varner, and Charles Edward Varner.

To visit this album, click "Oldish ZVT Photos"

(Note: This album will open in a new window.  Sooo ... Close it to return here.)

One of our favorite annual events, which began in the early 1970s, is the Tatum Family Reunion.  Held during the summer, this 3-day event is held here and there, and often somewhere along Alabama's gulf coast.

Just below is a photo from the 1995 reunion:

(Hint: Click the photos to see enlarged view.)

ZZZZ.JPG (56461 bytes)

To see an online photo album of photos made at the 2003 reunion, click > 2003 Tatum Reunion.

Links to other Online Photo Albums include:

(Note - albums clicked will open in a new window.)

Recent photos, Tatum & Zuber sections, Auburn's Pine Hill Cemetery CV's Grandsons Wedding photos, Lee P. Varner & Celeste Terry; Lenoir, NC; Jan. 11, 03; (1 of 2)
Wedding photos, Lee P. Varner & Celeste Terry; Lenoir, NC; Jan. 11, 03;( 2 of 2) A Nell Varner Smith collection, 1 of 2 A Nell Varner Smith collection, 2 of 2
Wedding photos: Robin Varner & Philip Blackerby; Gatlinburg, TN; Dec. 6, '03 Wedding photos: Andrea White & Scott; Helen, GA; Aug. 2, '03 Tatum Family Reunion, Orange Beach, AL; July 11-14, '03.
A few photos of the departed, and very-much missed, Norman Castellaw, husband of Sybil Watson Castellaw. Some oldish Watson photos, from Cookie Watson Varner's archives. Photos - Pre-Christmas Watson family lunch; at Jackie's house, Aiken, SC.
Xmas eve 2003: Varner - Souza party photos, Martinez, GA.    



To contact this site's Proprietor:

Charles Varner  -  663 William Hilton Parkway  -  Unit 1107  -  Hilton Head Island, SC 29928

Phone: (843) 785-9680  -  E-mail: