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This personal web
site is a fantasy project for Charles E. Varner, of Hilton Head Island, SC.
Welcome to our web site!
This website is
a vanity project for this aging, amiable goofball, Charles Varner –
who is known to his grandsons as “CV” ….. It contains information
relative to CV’s favorite things – his family, hobbies and friends.
The primary objective of this Web Site is to provide to and share
information with my family and friends.
Should it develop that others drop in and find something of interest,
or - better yet - discover they have information to share, all the better!
Most of our content will be most efficiently discovered by way of the
internal page links visible near the top of this page and of
subsequent pages.
If you have any
thoughts or feedback, please advise Charles Varner, at the coordinates at
the bottom of this page! |
Recent Additions:
Family stuff:
For a taste of why "CV" is so happy, feast your eyes on the
photos below:
(Hint: Click the photos to see
enlarged view.)
This is Logan Alexander Skidmore, who keeps CV on his
toes and is CV's oldest grandson. |
is Connor Edward Skidmore, who is one of Logan’s little brothers.
This is Evan Walter Skidmore, who is Connor's twin
brother. |
Laura Blackerby, daughter of Phil & Robin
Varner Blackerby. We are proud to have her in our family! |
is Johathan Kendall Blackerby, son of Phil & Robin, who was born June
20, 2005. What a beautiful boy! |
Join my "Savannah Memories" news group.
(Enter your e-mail address below, then click "Yahoo!") |
Join my "Double Dickel Social Club" news
group. (Enter your e-mail address below, then click
"Yahoo!") |
To contact this site's Webmaster:
Charles Varner 663 William
Hilton Parkway - Apartment 1107
Hilton Head Island,
SC 29928
Phone: (843) 785-9680
E-mail: cevarner@fastmail.fm |
This page was last updated on 09/19/15.